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OUR PARTNERSadmaxcorporatelt2019-03-10T22:37:29+00:00
Partnerships/ working together:
- We will continue to build partnerships with professionals/agencies to give you access to a network of support.
- We will work closely with the local authority and social work team to ensure you have access to the services that meet your needs
- Assisting with religious and cultural observances
- Reporting repairs and maintenance issues
- Assisting with organising social events
- Every month your keyworker will submit a report about how you have settled in, your progress, opportunities identified, your strengths and weaknesses and will provide you an opportunity to give your views and comments.
Other professionals you may see in the unit to offer support and their service will either be:
- Connexions Advisor
- Health Professional
- Police Officers
- Alcohol and Drug Misuse team
- Housing officers
- Youth offending workers
- West Midland Impact Advisor
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