ADMAX Home provides Semi-Independent Living Services which is registered for young people receiving 24-hour support, including therapeutic support as required.
ADMAX Home provides a 24 hour Semi-Independent Living services for looked-after young people, both male and female, between the ages of 16-18. We specialise in providing a combination of 24-hour shared and stand–alone placements with a comprehensive professional support service. We offer both short and long term support and emergency placements.
It is the objective of ADMAX Home to provide Semi-Independent Living Service to all our resident young people to a standard of excellence which embraces fundamental principles of Good Practice, and that this may be witnessed and evaluated through the practice, conduct and control of quality service in the Home.
Our aim is to provide a warm, safe and caring environment for young people who are leaving residential or foster care for semi-independence, as well as unaccompanied minors, where they can be supported and encouraged to develop their skills towards independence and to grow and develop into young adult.
- To assist in developing and implementing person centred pathway support packages for the young people in the service.
- To deliver a service of the highest quality that will improve and sustain each person’s overall quality of life.
- To promote safety for the young person by ensuring that each young person has a holistic risk assessment, that is regularly reviewed.
- To enable the young person to meet their health and emotional needs.
- To ensure that the support Service is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a non-discriminatory fashion while respecting each young person’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment, and the rights to make informed choices and to take age-appropriate risks.
- To promote and maintain positive relationships that benefits the young person and enable them to develop their identity, self-respect and care for their own well-being.
- To ensure that the Service is delivered flexibly, attentively and in a non-discriminatory fashion while respecting each young person’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment, and the rights to make informed choices and to take age-appropriate risks.
- To promote a culture that is conducive to learning, education, training and employment, ensuring resources and support are available, and encourage the young person to gain and maintain employment, education and training.
- To ensure that each young person’s needs and values are respected in matters of religion, culture, race or ethnic origin, sexuality and sexual orientation, political affiliation, and disabilities or impairments.
- To ensure that the Service in whole is delivered in accordance with agreed Placement Contract.
- To manage and implement a formal programme of staff planning, selection, recruitment, training and personal development to enable children’s care needs to be met.
- To enable the young person to develop skills to communicate and interact with others and to integrate and contribute to the community in a positive manner.
- To manage the Service efficiently and effectively to make best use of resources and to maximise value for money for the Service User.
- To work in partnership with parents, relevant adults, education, health and other professionals to ensure the young person is enabled to maximise their potential.
- To ensure high quality yet cost-effective services delivered around the needs of the young person.
- To promote equality and an atmosphere of trust and respect.
- To enable the young person to be empowered to make choices and decisions in all areas of their lives.
- To encourage the young person to participate in and be involved in the delivery and development of the service.
- To ensure that each young person, and where appropriate parents or carers, receive written information on the Home’s Procedure for Handling Complaints, Concerns, Comments and Compliments, and how to use it.
At ADMAX Home, our staff have a minimum of 12 months experience of working with children and young people. There are also ongoing Staff training policy in place to encourage/support ADMAX Staff to attend appropriate vocational courses and obtain appropriate professional qualification.
Our staff are qualified to at least level 3 NVQ/QCF or equivalent in a subject related to, or transferable to, the needs of young people aged 16 and 18. There are always sufficient qualified and experienced Staff on shift, covering twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per Week, fifty-two (52)
At ADMAX Home, our Staff are trained to understand and be sensitive to the ethnic needs, religious needs and diverse cultural of Young People and shall provide guidance on use of translation and interpreting services where necessary.
Our staff receive appropriate training and maintain a record of all training which is provided for each member of its.
Some of the training include (but not be limited to) the following:
- Data Protection;
- Health and safety and first aid;
- Child protection (safeguarding);
- Food handling (where appropriate);
- Substance misuse, including both legal and illegal drug use and alcohol;
- Equality and diversity;
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Missing Children
- Mental Health
- Behavioural Issues
- Offending behaviour
- Self Harm;
- Managing difficult and emergency situations
- We will provide a clean, friendly and homely environment and accommodation – with a starter pack to provide you with your daily living essentials.
- The accommodation will have staff on side 24/7 365 days a year.
- We WILL BE responsible for all general repairs and maintenance.
- We ARE NOT responsible for liable for your own personal belongings, if anything is lost or damaged that is your responsibility.
- All key workers are able to offer advise and support to any issues/problems/queries you may encounter during your stay at ADMAX Home.
- Your key work sessions are your time to seek advise, discuss, complain or simply talk through your feelings
- ADMAX Home offers you accommodation within a clean, friendly and a homely environment with 24/7 staff on site.